Legal framework for the operation of mortgage banks
Statutory limits
Covered bonds are dual-recourse bonds, with a claim against both the issuer and a cover pool of high-quality assets, issued in Poland under specific covered bond legislation providing a number of requirements and limits, as set out in the Act of 29 August 1997 on Covered Bonds and Mortgage Banks (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1771).
Useful links
For more information about mortgage loans and covered bonds visit the following websites:
Mortgage loans constituting coverage for covered bonds
Mortgage covered bonds may be issued solely on the basis of loans backed by mortgage on real estate located in the Republic of Poland, entered in the land and mortgage register with the first rank. In the case of public covered bonds, the basis for the issue is defined in Article 3(2) of the Act on Covered Bonds and Mortgage Banks.
The value of the mortgage bank’s credit claims is determined according to the mortgage lending value of the real estate (BHWN), i.e. the conservative valuation of the credited real estate, taking into account only those features of the property that will survive until final maturity of the loan. In addition, the assets constituting the basis for the issue of covered bonds are segregated through the entry into the cover pool register, which fullfil following eligibility criteria:
Monitoring of cover pool register
The mortgage bank is required to maintain the cover pool register, in which the following items are entered separately:
The maintainance of the cover pool register is regulated by the Act on Covered Bonds and Mortgage Banks and Recommendation K of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) on the rules for maintaining the cover pool register by mortgage banks.
The ongoing supervision over the cover pool register is exercised by an independent cover pool monitor (appointed by PFSA).
Substitute cover assets and liquidity buffer
The mortgage bank may use following assets as substitute cover:
In addition, the mortgage bank is obliged to keep, separately for mortgage covered bonds and public covered bonds, a liquidity buffer from the funds referred to above, of not less than the total amount of the nominal value of interest on respective outstanding mortgage covered bonds or public covered bonds, due within the next 6 months. The funds intended for the liquidity buffer cannot constitute the basis for issuing covered bonds.
If covered bonds are issued in any currency other than the mortgage loans or other cover assets, the mortgage bank is required to hedge currency risk with the use of derivative instruments.
Security guarantees under bankruptcy law
The mortgage banks are subject to a separate, independent from the issuer, bankruptcy procedure which is intended to ensure the highest recovery for cover bonds holders. In particular, it provides for:
In addition, covered bonds are excluded from the bail-in procedure in the process of the mortgage bank restructuring and resolution. |